La investigación-creación en la erosión de lindes disciplinares

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Ana Carolina Robles Salvador


This collaboration aims to ponder the limits of art both in its forms of production and in its interdisciplinary practice that, as it becomes, blurs disciplinary boundaries. It starts from two premises: the limits of artistic disciplines are fuzzy and, one of its consequences is the lack of visibility of their contributions in the generation of knowledge. The thesis this work supports is that artistic research is a way to make visible the interdisciplinary nature of the arts and its contributions to knowledge generation. Three authors are used to promote the analysis: Bourdieu, who contributes to rethinking the artistic field, Lotman, who with the concept of border helps to think about disciplinary limits, and Borgdorff, who, from the perception of the art-science conflict, gives rise to thinking in the contributions of the arts in their epochal dimension. From this horizon, the possible scopes of research-creation of digital art in the production of knowledge in the shelter of the university are reviewed.

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How to Cite
Robles Salvador, A. C. (2022). La investigación-creación en la erosión de lindes disciplinares. An@lítica, 5(5), 79-91. Retrieved from
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